Hope there is no lighting, oh just one more cast!

...experience and put your mind at ease instead of the fast paced life that we all have to experience with the urban lifestyle that so many now live in.
Hi Everyone...
Hope all is well and you have had a great summer, for some of you it is getting back to the routines with kids in school and for the rest of us, it is memories of days gone by. I have been home for just over a week now and I must say, it is getting harder and harder every year to come home. There is too much noise, too many people and too many rules. Maybe I’m getting bushed but it is something that everyone should...


This past summer at the lodge we were lucky and only had a couple of days of light smoky haze from forest fires far away, nothing like what many of you had to endure and hopefully no one has lost their homes or businesses. We only had a couple of storms throughout the season with July being hot and sunny and then the first frost by the end of August. There was one night towards the end of August when we were treated to one of the best displays of northern lights that I think I have ever seen. With a full moon, lake like glass and the northern lights doing their magic over the lake and a perfect reflection. Something that I will remember for a long time. Any time after the 10th of August you have a good chance of seeing them but you have to have clear skies.
There were lots of wildlife sightings from black bears, wolves, eagles, moose, ducks, geese and towards the end of August there were lots of swans. With one large group feeding just down the lake from the lodge for a couple of weeks. Numerous pictures were taken on the trail cameras of lynx, black bears wolves and moose. Two of these cameras are close to the lodge and it is surprising to see what wildlife is around the lodge that you would never know is there.
It was another great year of fishing with lots of big fish being caught again using various methods. Whether it is fly-fishing, spin casting or trolling, one thing that everyone always comments on is the color of the lake trout and not always the size. I have not caught northern pike in other places but those who have also comment on their color here as well.
Guests this year came from as far away as Australia with many coming from England, United States, Canada and many other parts of the world. Our youngest guest was 4 ½ and our oldest was 87 and he is already booked for next year. One thing that is common with everyone is their enjoyment of the wilderness and the relief from the hectic lifestyle that they have left behind. It doesn’t take long for them to put down their cell phones and enjoy what they have come here for. The fishing, sight-seeing, going for a walk in the wilderness, quiet canoe ride or a paddle board trip on the lake, watching an endless sunset and even the little things like cooking a hot dog over the camp fire in the evening. Many of the weeks for next year are filling up fast with June almost sold out and some have already booked for 2020. This comes with many of the guests being repeats with the longest coming for 20 years and the longest stay in one year being 31 days.

For many, they comment on what a magical place this is and when you think about it, there aren’t very many places left in the world that are truly wild with no one for miles and no impacts on the land from the various resource sectors. A truly wild place. We have weeks were you don’t even see a plane fly over, only the sounds of nature whether it be the call of a loon or even just the sound of the waves on the beach or the calls of all the other birds in the area.

At 4 ½ he is the youngest that I have had at the lodge, up until then it was a little girl at the age of 6 who came with her mom, dad and grandpa. They also have been back numerous times, I know that those memories are still with them and will be for the rest of their lives. There is nothing better than the times that you spend with your kids and even more so with your grandkids.
One of the highlights of my summer was a visit from my daughter Lisa who many of you will remember from all the summers that she spent growing up at the lodge and now with my little grandson. To see the look in a young person’s eyes with everything that is new to them and everything that they want to do. And yes the look in their eyes when they catch their very first fish, I’m sure some of you are thinking back to that day as well.

Until next time, enjoy the fall and everything that it has to offer.
Brian and the Staff at Kulane Wilderness Lodge