Hope everyone is well, had a great summer and getting ready for fall.
We’re finally home but for me there are times when I wish I was still up there at the lodge. Life is so much simpler, less stressful and the only thing that really matters is what happens day to day.
We got a flight out on the 10th of September back to the big city of Whitehorse. Its always funny to watch the expressions on the faces of the staff who have not been in the bush for a long period of time, smiles and regrets. And then there is Missy, but she doesn’t care where she is as long as there is some water close by, oh the life of a dog.

Where’s my headset?
You never know what you are going to see on the highway coming home.

This lady’s words (What the hell is a plane doing on the highway?)
Flying out, all the fall colors were starting to happen, with some snow visible on high mountain peaks. We flew through one snow squall on the way out but managed to spot lots of Dall Sheep on some of the mountains along with some bison in the valleys.
There is always time to reflect on all of the great memories throughout the summer, meeting the many repeat guests and all of the new ones. All of the jokes, laughs, fish stories and of course fishermen never lie 
Towards the end of July and into August the fishing really turned on for the big guys with lots in the 30 to 40 lbs. range and one really big guy at 48” long and 36” girth! I’m sure that that fisherman still has a grin on his face. The best part was watching the expression on his face when we let the fish go and watched it slowly swim away for another day. Not surprisingly, but many of the bigger fish were caught by the ladies…what’s with that guys?
It’s not always about catching the biggest fish but enjoying the whole experience. There’s not many really wild places left and to be here for a whole week and not even see a plane fly over is really something. The only sounds we hear are what nature gives us from the wildlife, the birds and even the water. Not many people take the time to enjoy the ‘sounds of nature’ until you point it out to them, and it really does add to their trip. You just can’t experience it at home with all of the noises that come with living in a city.
Some of the fall colors on the flight out
Sorry guys but it looks like the girls are winning.

Late season Mayfly hatch.
Many campfires were had in the evenings on the deck reflecting on the day, watching the fish rise, muskrats and beaver swim by, loons calling, fisherman coming in from an evenings fishing, and of course all the great sun sets when the sun finally did start to go down. Its always a great time for stories, jokes, hot dogs, marshmallows and yes, some of you do like your smores and a glass of wine.
Later in the summer, the lake trout fishing is mostly trolling with spoons, trolling jigs and jigging off the bottom. This year however, the flyfishing lasted most of the summer with hatches still occurring into the fall with Lake Whitefish and Lake Trout staying in the shallow water. Towards the end of the season Northern Pike are a lot bigger as they have recovered from the spring spawn and are aggressively feeding on all the bait fish, Cisco and smaller pike. These fish are readily taken casting spoons or jigs in 5 to 15 feet of water or along the edge of some of the drop offs. Flyfishing for these fish is also very productive using streamer flies of various colors with a sinking line and a fast retrieve.
Our last group were treated to one of the best Northern Lights displays that I have seen for a long time which had everyone in awe! I have struggled for years trying to take pictures of them until I tried my cell phone. Who ever thought 15 years ago that you could have a phone in your hand and take a picture with it….. what’s next.
Words can’t explain the "ahh" of the sight of the northern lights.
For those of you thinking about taking a fishing trip next year or just coming to enjoy what nature has to offer, don’t hesitate too long as many people are starting to travel again. The Canadian federal government announced that as of September 30/2022 all travel restrictions and Covid requirements are rescinded for travelers coming to Canada. For some of our guests who have booked travel already for next year, they are still very conscious of their destination, and how many people will be there. We only have 16 guests max at one time plus the 4 staff so I can’t think of a safer place to be, oh almost forgot about the dog 
Some of the weeks are already full so don’t wait to long if you are looking for a trip of a lifetime.

How was your days fishing 
From Brian and the staff at Kluane, enjoy your fall and try not to think about Christmas yet unless you are thinking about a trip for your better half as a Christmas gift.